Friday, August 22, 2014


Hi All,

We (SAHAAY) and ( Foster-Earth )  back again with the good cause on this INDEPENDENCE DAY - 2014 

The Saahay Organization is well know for generous help and charity to school kids ,old age homes , medical camps at slum areas ..etc..

We are now glad to extend this support to Juvenile Home for Boys (children prison). 

As an initiative to help these kids to rehabilitate and to make them to survive on their own once they gets released from this home, we are planning to donate a machinery used to make Eco-friendly paper cups and leaf plates. 

Further details are as follows:

Who and Where...? Juvenile Home for Boys, Saidabad, Hyderabad (Children Prison) .

What are we planning to donate:  Pedal Operated leaf plate making machine Model LPM 2

       When :- on this Saturday 23rd  of August , 2014

This machine performs operations of folding, trimming, pressing in to shape and drying are done in one single operation by pressing the pedal liver and holding in the heated die for 4 to 6 seconds. The machine requires only 300 watts to 1500 watts of electric power for the heating dye. For better quality to production lock the pedal and heat the dye for 30 minutes. Single semi skilled operator and a helper can prepare 400 to 500 cups or 300 to 400 quality leaf plates or 200 buffer leaf plates per hour. The leaf cups/ plates is subject to heat up to 1200 c to 1500 c for about 4 to 6 seconds which is sufficient to sterilize the product and does not require any fungicidal spray. About 60% free micro bacteria are assured.
Now this time we want to do for that innocent children s which got punished with their  known or unknown mistakes in their life.
Estimated Cost25000 = 15000 (machinery cost) + 10000 (raw material). So, I would like you to contribute for this which help these children to survive their life on their own.​